Hmmm... well I'm pretty ashamed to say i haven't kept up with my resolution to actually keep up with my blog. My last post was about 4 months ago! I mean well, but I just never get around to doing it! but now that I'm bed ridden for a little while with the flu, maybe I'll just put up some pictures of what has happened with my life in the past while...

Reed and Sam got their mission calls!

The Great Fruity Pebble Mishap

Visiting Provo for Thanksgiving and I run into these 2 busters,
Some of the best RMs!

My first cake!! (with lots of help from Rachie and John)

I took some family pictures for the Hardings, and Rach
and I couldn't resist getting a few ourselves!
Rachie and John! I love them!

Home for winter at the Christmas lights! I love this girl

This man sits here every winter wishing everyone a merry Christmas
What a trooper!

So these guys come to our Christmas party late and manage
to eat about everything

Brooke picked out my Christmas gift all by herself!
What a gem

All of the kids made these angels in preschool, and Dad spends a lot of time
fitting them all on top of the tree each Christmas even though they're so old a ragged!
But it sure shows my dad's soft spot for all his babies!

While i'm home for winter, i'm babysitting for the Martinis Family
and I get to spend the day with this adorable boy, Finn!

My friend Sam just left for the Philippines for 2 whole years!

I somehow managed to take the snow with me from Idaho. This is a picture from
the second storm, I believe. We were stranded in the house with no power for days!

But the snow could never stop the Carvers and Laumanns from watching the saints
play in the superbowl! AND WIN!!! Geaux Saints!

I finally got my wisdom teeth out! I had a surprisingly quick recovery though! I didn't
even swell! When we got home, Shayne played caretaker for his poor sister

Me Brooke and Emilee skipped sunday school to frost some cookies for Donavan
Miller's baptism. and we played around a bit too!!