Well, it's certainly been a while since my last entry, about 7 months actually. So I would say it's about time for an update. My mom and grandma found out about this blog and keep telling me I should keep writing in it... so Hi Mom and Muzzie! I hope you like this entry!!
Let's see.. so much has happened since February. I graduated! (Thankfully my parents even let me live after seeing the not so great grade I got in psychology fourth quarter. Hello senioritis) Before that I took a little road trip to Utah to see Rachael graduate and then I headed up to Idaho with Muzzie and Pawpa to visit my college, oh yeah, did I mention I'm going to BYU-Idaho? I'll have more on that later... I visited in April i think and we got caught in a snow storm. it was crazy but I really liked the campus a lot. I also had a blast with my grandparents even though all of the rock formations got a little old. I must say that I am a true East Coaster. I got pretty sick of all of the brown, gray, and dark green out west. In fact, I was giddy once we got out of Colorado and into Kansas. The west does have it's own kind of beauty, but personally, I prefer color, and a little humidity never hurt anyone.
This summer I worked at Kids Adventures (again) and it was so fun! I took a whole bunch of pictures and even though the kids sometimes drove me nuts, I still had a fun time. In fact, I think all of the staff members had more fun together than the kids did.
But, there was one experience I had that was a little terrifying that I don't think I could ever forget. Our bus driver Scott is pretty creepy and I don't think he brushes his teeth. They were always covered in this weird filmy gunk. He was a nice enough guy, but he thought he was a staff member and he just had a creepy feeling about him. One day at the pool, I brought a kid under the umbrella to grab some money for the snack bar. While I was waiting on the kid, Scott walks out in his bathing suit telling me about how he got his sunburn. He was with another camp and he didn't feel comfortable asking any of the staff members if they could help him out, but oh, because he's so comfortable with KA he decided to ask me if I could rub some sunscreen on his back. Well what was I supposed to do? say HECK NO and run away? (i really considered it... but you can't run on the pool deck) so I gave in and said fine. BIG MISTAKE. I rubbed it in and he went down to the pool. Meanwhile, I was left frozen in place, staring at my hands. I don't think I moved for a good 2 minutes. what had I just done? The poor kid I was with gave up on me and went to the snack bar. I speed walked to the bathroom and washed my hands at least 3 times. I would've settled for one but there was barely any soap in the dispenser. perfect. I couldn't look Scott in the eye for the next week. But then the next day he decided to ask if i could rub some sunscreen on his face. I told him he could do it himself and I would tell him if he had any white stuff left. then I ran away.
I also got to improve upon my photography portfolio this summer. I took Rachel Sabin's engagement and bridal pictures and I took family portraits for Rach and John and their puppy Samson. Rachael and John paid me in frozen yogurt and the Sabin's paid in cash... I'm still not sure which way I liked more. I think all of the pictures turned out well and it was fun to perfect my photography skills!

Rachel and Brant The Hardings
All summer I had been thinking about what to pack for college. What an experience. Ithought I had all the basics down for Idaho (only 2 pairs of flip flops. that's nuts.). Mostly jeans, socks, about 1000 sweaters, skirts, shoes. Then I got looking in my closet and realized that I forgot my snow boots. what a rookie mistake. I did remember all of my headbands, though!! It shows where my priorities are.

Most of our awesome quote wall
I am really liking my schedule here. I have 6 classes. Writing for communication careers (my major), Women's Glee (This class sounds really good on paper, but the teacher drives me crazy. thank goodness Brooke is there with me. All the teacher does is works with solfeg syllables, which i think are stupid so Brooke and I basically sing our own tune in the back), American Foundations, Psychology, Community vocal performance (it's basically Broadway singing class, which is a BLAST!! the teacher is such a firecracker), and Book of Mormon. The classes aren't too hard, all I have to do is keep up with the work which isn't too bad.
Me and Adam lighing Brooke's cake
Since being here, I've managed to make some really awesome friends, but no dates yet. lame. But like Elle told me, I do have four years for that. I don't think my dad minds too much either since I'm at "BYU-I do". Me and Brooke have managed to go to a whole bunch of really fun parties since arriving here. My favorite was probably an 80s party because we got to dress up in really fun outfits! I wore my black hooker shoes to the party and didn't take them off the whole time. I was pretty proud of myself until the time came to walk home. I had to practically roll home my feet hurt so bad. but at least I looked cute! haha

Before the 80s party! The impromptu water fight... I lost.
Last week I took a road trip to Provo for conference weekend, which was really fun! We got a last minute ride from my friend Barrett's sister Colleen. I had never met her before but she was so cool! the traffic on the way down was killer though. It took us about 6 hours to get to Provo when it usually takes about 3 1/2. And it didn't help that we all had to pee REALLY bad. like, since passing Pocatello. Somehow we made it to BYU and sprinted to the nearest bathroom without wetting ourselves. Me and Brooke managed to get some nosebleed seats at the BYU game and it was so fun! My friend Matt came up to sit with us, too. We stayed at Rachael and John's place and got lots of kisses from Samson as well as the occasional paw in the face.

At the BYU Game!
Rachael and John were nice enough to give me and Brooke tickets to the Sunday morning session of conference which was amazing. I got to hear the MoTab sing Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, which is basically one of my favorite songs ever. It was so moving and it was so beautiful. I might've fallen asleep for some of conference on accident, but I didn't miss President Monson's talk. He talked about his birthday presents and "warm fuzzies". He is such a cute old man!! And a great Prophet, too.

Our view at conference
After spending all that time with people from back home, by the time I got back to Rexburg, I was feeling a little homesick. It didn't help that it rained most of the way home and by midnight it started snowing. This would usually cheer me up except for the face that it was OCTOBER 4TH. I am just not ready for all of this cold and snow quite yet, which made me miss Maryland even more. Since being out here, I've realized how AWESOME Maryland is. I was really lucky to be raised there. But by Monday after I got to spend some time with my friends I was back to myself again.
Oh by the way I got a calling a couple of weeks ago that keeps me pretty dang busy. I am the relief society second counselor. how scary! I hope I can get everything to work together and that I won't become too overwhelmed with school work and my church calling. I love my committee, though so I have a feeling that we'll have a great time together. I also am anxious to get my patriarchal blessing. I never got around to getting one at home, and I really think it would help me at this time in my life.
All right well this entry is almost novel length, but I'll try to actually keep up with it from now on!!
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