Friday, May 28, 2010
Julie Bug
Posted by Julie at 3:13 AM 0 comments
Sunday, May 23, 2010
100 More
About a year ago, I came out with a list of 100 things about me. Well, it's been awhile since i've updated and i'm sure all of my many fans have just been itching to learn more useless and somewhat embarassing tidbits about me. Well readers, the wait is over! Hold onto your hats because this list is pretty great and i'm sure you'll be able to use all of this information in your day to day life.
>p.s. it really is 100 things, however blogger decided to be difficult and made me re-do this list about 50 times. I am going to be so happy when it's done with.
I never turn in library books in on time
My favorite color is yellow. I love yellow everything. It’s a sick obsession
I want to start an umbrella collection. They are my favorite accessory.

I packed 2-50lb bags, a 25lb bag and a very heavy carry-on filled with clothes, shoes and accessories, and still manage to steal my roommates clothes at least 3 times a week.
I change my outfit at least 3 times a day
A day without laughter is a waste
I am the worst dieter ever
I aspire to one day open a bakery and call it Puddle Duck’s
I like snow for about 5 minutes. Then I start to miss the sun
I haven’t been sledding in about 3 years
Sewing Machines intimidate me

I feel naked without earrings
Every bathing suit I own is black and white
I want a redheaded child

If I could wear a sundress or a skirt every day of my life I would be one very happy camper
I can’t tan no matter how long I lay out
I love my freckles
I hate the cold, but I go to school in Idaho—and I am loving it
I’ve only really been camping once in my life
I love editing pictures
I can’t whistle
I used to have a gap in my teeth so big, I could drink through a straw with my teeth clamped shut.
I make faces when I read dialogue

I can either be really loud or really quiet
If I could, I would have fresh flowers in my kitchen every morning
I only drink oreo mikeshakes
I love honey mustard
If you tie a ribbon around it, it is instantly cuter
I am in the beginning stages of an adorable apron collection

I hate being late
Sometimes, I just like to lay down and look at cute baking blogs
I used to have magenta Sketchers platforms that I wore everywhere. I even wore them to Kings Dominion so I would be tall enough to ride the big kid rides, but refused to go on any of them
I love “man food”
I love to watch Man vs. Wild and think “It’s a good thing I know this stuff in case I get stranded in the rainforest while on safari in the Congo… oh wait…”
I love naps
I can’t play sports, so to compensate I scream my butt off at the games and lose my voice every time, without fail.
I have never been to the west coast
I plan to live in one of the Carolinas when I grow up. No if’s and’s or but’s
I have many strengths. Cleanliness is not one of them
If I ever get to meet the Prophet, I don’t want an autograph or a picture. I want a hug.
I wrote a scholarship application about how I would love to have dinner with Lucille Ball. I got the scholarship, but didn’t end up going to that school.

One of the deciding factors for me going to BYU-I was because it didn’t smell like turkey farms
I am taking my first cooking class this semester and I LOVE it! I’m so excited for the other 7 I’ve got to get under my belt before graduation!
I want to just sit and watch the sunrise
It is one of my dreams to go to Greece
I love and hate my laugh at the same time
Brooke and I are throwing a party the day I turn my claddagh ring around

My favorite karaoke song to sing is It’s In His Kiss by Aretha Franklin—I even sang it for my music final last semester. Guess who aced the class?
I own so many Vera Bradley accessories, but still don’t have a purse
I love grocery shopping, I find it so relaxing
I’ve made a detailed list of qualities I want in my future husband. This guy is basically going to be the opposite of me.
I love monogrammed things, and REALLY want a monogrammed ring
I own more headbands than there are days in a month

I love everything about Georgetown, including the drive there down George Washington Pike
I want to try different kinds of meat. So far I’ve only had the normal ones and buffalo, but I’ve got years ahead of me and the possibilities are endless
I really want to go shooting this semester
I can’t pluck my own eyebrows
I could eat cereal every meal

I make really good deviled eggs, but I don’t even like them that much
I named my Expedition Hercules
I hate the feeling of dirt on my hands
I’m part deaf in my right ear, and sometimes I use it as an excuse for just not listening to people
My wedding colors will be navy and yellow
I love everything nautical

My favorite coat is my red Gap pea coat that I got in 7th grade. It’s a little snug now, but I refuse to get rid of it until I find the exact same one (or at least as close as I can get)
I love wearing pashminas. I think I own about 10
I hate when people write suppose to rather than supposed to
I always doodle the same thing
I love coloring books. I brought one on the plane with me for the flight to Utah and the other passengers looked at me like I was a crazy person
I love taking day trips to New York City
I have met countless Broadway stars but maybe 2 “real” celebrities
I love silver jewelry
When I was young, my dad promised me he would buy me a VW Bug. I’m still waiting on him to own up to that promise.

There is a long list of people who want to OK my future husband before we get married—look out future hubby
I vow to never own a pet fish
All of my pajama pants are pink
I wish I owned more hoodies
I wish I had an accent
I rarely wear my retainer
I don’t know the proper color of my eyes
I’ve been highlighting my hair since 6th grade
I have been taking Zumba classes this semester with the hopes that I will get a better sense of rhythm. So far… I’m about the same
I wish I had a cool nickname
I stole a pair of my brother’s old boxers and wear them for pajamas because they were my favorite colors—don’t worry, they were clean
I find new bruises developing on my body on a daily basis. I swear I have some ghost beating me in the middle of the night
I love it when I say something funny and I think it’s REALLY funny and no one else does. I still laugh and thrive on the awkwardness.
If I could, I would have pizza at least once a week and dessert every night
I wish I loved running. At this point, I only run if I am being chased
I never really appreciated my Mom’s homemade wheat bread until I came to college and went without it for 13 weeks
Brooke and I should have our own TV show because people need to witness some of the things that happen to us
I can’t focus when there is music playing and someone is trying to tell me something
Cookie dough is 100 times better than the actual cookie
I hate it when people wear headbands wrong. It is one of my biggest pet peeves ever. They are meant to go behind your ears and ON TOP OF your head. I don’t get it when people wear them across their foreheads- what are they holding back with it? Their skin? Get it right people. It’s only cutting off circulation to your brain.
I get really excited when my txt message alert goes off, but then I look and it’s facebook. What a downer
I want to have a pet Bull Dog and name it cinnamon

Grilled cheese and grits and eggs fill holes in my heart better than chocolate could ever do
I used to think Virginia was north of Maryland. Let’s just say geography isn’t exactly my strong suit
I hate the sound of the hair dryer and the vacuum cleaner
I’ve only gotten 2 pedicures in my life because I’m ticklish and I’m afraid I’ll kick the poor lady in the face. This is also why I have never gotten a massage. I couldn’t relax and I would be laughing the entire time
I am currently living off of frozen grapes

Posted by Julie at 4:41 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 22, 2010
how much is a picture worth

Posted by Julie at 11:39 PM 0 comments
I Love Colleen Johnson

Posted by Julie at 1:25 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 21, 2010
Oh The People You Meet...

Posted by Julie at 6:01 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Recent Obsessions

Posted by Julie at 2:36 AM 0 comments
Monday, May 17, 2010
What's Cookin?

Posted by Julie at 2:00 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
For My Mamma

Posted by Julie at 1:30 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 7, 2010
I'm going there someday...
Posted by Julie at 2:53 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 3, 2010
Posted by Julie at 6:36 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 1, 2010
The perfect man

Posted by Julie at 2:06 PM 0 comments
Posted by Julie at 2:01 PM 0 comments