As i'm sitting in my living room listening to classical music (don't worry, it's for a homework assignment) it dawned on me that I haven't done one of those stereotypical posts on things what i'm fawning over as of late. Well, since I have to listen to about 5 10-minute orchestra pieces, it gives me ample time to bore whoever reads this (maybe 3 people...) and tell them all about the things i'm dying to have.After class today, I came home and on a whim, went to the Vineyard Vines site. Bad choice. All I did for about 40 straight minutes was swoon over all of the wonderfully overpriced springwear my little heart could take. I mean, some of the prices on stuff from this store makes J. Crew look like Marshalls.

I love love love this dress, and maybe if i had the $195 to dish out, i would consider it, but being a poor college student and everything sort of puts a damper on this imaginary shopping spree.
Next up? This one has no price tag, don't worry mom. But it may cost me a few inches around my waistline if I were to make any of these beautiful creations. One totally dorky thing I love to do when I'm bored at home is look at cute little baking blogs. One that I really love is called Joy the Baker. She makes the cutest little cupcake creations and it makes me want to eat one so bad!

In the spirit of springtime, I just can't get enough of adorable flower arrangements. For my roommate Diana's birthday on saturday, her parents sent her this beautiful boquet of flowers! I just love how they brighten up a room so effortlessly. When I have a house, I want to have fresh flowers on the table in the kitchen year round. It's just one of those simple little things that makes me so happy. In order to save a little money, though, we went to the dollar tree and made ourselves an artificial little flower arrangement for our bedrooms. And of course, mine had to include my favorites, dasies.
There are so many more things that I know I could put on here if my brain worked this late at night, but things happen. Maybe i'll have a recent obsessions part deux.
...or maybe not. it depends on how creative I feel like being. But tataa for now
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