Thursday, June 24, 2010

Clear Eyes. Full Hearts. Can't Lose.

So a few years back, Brooke got hooked on this show called Friday Night Lights. She tried to get me to watch it a time or two, but I'm not the biggest fan of dramas, so I didn't think twice about it. Then years passed, I came to college, we had no football team and I had football fever. The Superbowl came and went (GO SIANTS!) and now it's summer and the only football I have to watch is my friend Jenny's flag football team once a week. Don't get me wrong, it's pretty fun to go to the games but it's not remotely the same.
Well, while I was sulking due to said football fever, the thoughts of a TV show came into my mind. I thought, why not, I might as well try it out. Lo and Behold,
Friday Night Lights is one of the best shows on earth.
I love love love it! I have always sort of dreamed of living in a small southern town where everyone has cute accents and the entire town shuts down for a high school football game. Yeah, I could do without the drinking and sleeping around part, but every other aspect of this show is magical.
I have started with season one and I'm HOOKED. I secretly have a man crush on the coach and Matt Sarison is just adorable.
Ok well i'm going to have to keep this short since the next episode just uploaded!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Dear FIFA World Cup,
I love you.

Friday, June 11, 2010

It's Business Time

Lately I've become a fan of short little blog posts. After all, I don't want to torture the hundreds of readers (ha!) by having them read novels about my life or lack therof. Anyways. This semester at BYU-I has been pretty awesome, and honestly I think my school gets a bad rep. Yeah, ok I get that it's filled with BYU rejects, and, ok we may not have real sports teams and we can't wear flops or shorts (which by the way is torture for me. Back home my rainbows were basically glues to my feet once the temp reached about 55) but it's ok because the people here are awesome and so are the classes --well most of them at least.
So since i'm trying to double minor in culinary arts and business, I took my first business class this spring and it is such a blast!! It's not exactly the learning part that I love so much, it's my group. We all get along so well and have such a fun time together. I can never stop laughing the entire time and "not at the table Carlos" (if you don't get it, don't feel bad. But you're missing out) will never get old.
Anyways, Brother Clark assigned us to make a commercial for a product called Hymn Hero and we had such a fun time putting it together. So, for your viewing pleasure, please enjoy Hymn Hero: Mo Tab brought to you by team Chester :)

This Little Piggy

This little piggy went to market
This little piggy stayed home
This little piggy had roast beef
This little piggy had none
and this little piggy doesn't recognize her own feet without nail polish on them
after :)
**yeah, I know I've got sausage toes. It happens.**


So for the first time in forever, it was actually a sunny day in good ol' Rexburg so naturally Brooke and I went and layed out in the grass in front of our apartment building. Well, since I'm a cheap college student and may not have been so wise as to drop $10 on a bottle of sunblock, I layed out reading Kite Runner for an hour (great book-- you should read it!). By the time I came inside for lunch, I wasn't exactly surprised to come across this beauty. I was my own personal heater. Thanks a lot mr. golden sun!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Wise Words

"Never eat more than you can carry"
-Miss Piggy

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Work it out

"I don't exercise. If God wanted me to bend over,
he'd have put diamonds on the floor. "
-Joan Rivers

Exercise has never really been a strength of mine (haha- punny isn't it?) I'm much more of an observer than a do-er. Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to love running, but some things just don't work out that way and somehow we ended up mortal enemys. I have a theory that you should only run if you're being chased... or if you're trying to get the best seat in the theatre for the midnight premiere of Harry Potter.

I joke around with my friends and say that I only go to the gym with them for comedic relief. I crack jokes the whole time and just laugh at myself- sometimes a little too loud to the point where the guys in the weight room give me weird looks- when I can't do a certain workout.
This semester I promised myself that I would go to the gym at least twice a week. I've been pretty good at keeping it up, too! Diana and Brittan both teach Zumba once a week which is such a fun class. i'm not much of a shimmier or a booty shaker, but I can hold my own.
Anyways, Saturday Brooke took me into the weight room to work out for the first time. It's now one of my favorite places on campus, but not really because of the intimidating machines if you catch my drift. Anyways, Brooke set up this exercise regime to get "cute mom arms" and bikini bods. I just think as long as I steer clear of relief society arms i'll be a-ok.
I've been dang sore the past few days, but i'm trying to convince myself that it's good pain, whatever that means. The gym is starting to grow on me a little though, but the leg press AKA labor machine will never be fun no matter how many times I do it, sorry world.