"I don't exercise. If God wanted me to bend over,
he'd have put diamonds on the floor. "
-Joan Rivers
Exercise has never really been a strength of mine (haha- punny isn't it?) I'm much more of an observer than a do-er. Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to love running, but some things just don't work out that way and somehow we ended up mortal enemys. I have a theory that you should only run if you're being chased... or if you're trying to get the best seat in the theatre for the midnight premiere of Harry Potter.
I joke around with my friends and say that I only go to the gym with them for comedic relief. I crack jokes the whole time and just laugh at myself- sometimes a little too loud to the point where the guys in the weight room give me weird looks- when I can't do a certain workout.
This semester I promised myself that I would go to the gym at least twice a week. I've been pretty good at keeping it up, too! Diana and Brittan both teach Zumba once a week which is such a fun class. i'm not much of a shimmier or a booty shaker, but I can hold my own.

Anyways, Saturday Brooke took me into the weight room to work out for the first time. It's now one of my favorite places on campus, but not really because of the intimidating machines if you catch my drift. Anyways, Brooke set up this exercise regime to get "cute mom arms" and bikini bods. I just think as long as I steer clear of relief society arms i'll be a-ok.
I've been dang sore the past few days, but i'm trying to convince myself that it's good pain, whatever that means. The gym is starting to grow on me a little though, but the leg press AKA labor machine will never be fun no matter how many times I do it, sorry world.
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