wow. I must say I have been a TERRIBLE blogger. It's a good thing no one really reads this except me, when I have nothing better to do with my time.
I guess i've been too busy with Cathey Carver's Boot Camp (patents pending). It's been a slow death. I feel like my life is getting shorter each time I take the walk of death into a new class each day. I never used to sweat, either. BOY WAS I WRONG. Well, aside from my unnecessary comments and such i'll try to keep this post on the short side and stick with a nice list of things i've done/learned since I've been home.
- blackberries make EVERYTHING taste better.
- i don't like scallions. at all.
- my dad won't let me get married till i'm 30. Can't say I didn't see that one coming
- Shayne is taller than me, making me the shortest Carver child. awesome.
- I started compiling some of my Mom's yummy recipes into a composition book to bring to school
- After referring to Idaho as home once or twice, I realized that I need to get out more.
- new phone plans suck. I want a cool phone and I DO NOT want to pay and extra $20 a month for internet when I don't use it.
- babysitting for eleven children at once changes you.
- i'm a wedding/baking/real housewives show addict.
- I really need a hobby other than eating/cooking
- Reread Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone with Shayne. Even better than I remembered
- I'm sending my future children Hogwarts acceptance letters on their 11th birthdays
- I bought the cutest cake stand at a thrift store and made my dad this sweet cake for his birthday
- Daniel is home in 4 DAYS!!!
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