So I know I've been a terrible blogger lately... blah blah sorry about that. I've just been waiting for something interesting to blog about and I've finally come up with some good stuff that includes pictures!!
Before I came out to school, I was basically dreading it. I didn't want to go to Idaho, I didn't want to get back into doing homework, I didn't want to have to pay for my groceries, and I REALLY didn't want to pack. Well I've been out here for about a month now and I'm so glad I came back!!!
Sure, classes are pretty tedious but I LOVE my culinary nutrition class- the food is so stinkin good!
I've been spending a ton of time with all my friends and my new boyfriend is the school gym. Oh, and did I mention that I'm going to Greece and Turkey on a study abroad this fall!?!?!? I'm SUPER excited. I've got a deal going with my parents that if I lose between 15-20 lbs this semester, they'll pay for half of the trip, which explains why I've been at the gym so much. So let's put in a couple of fun pictures that have absolutely no rhyme or reason to them.


you NEED a account... its like facebook for dieting and i am in love... also i miss you terribly COME HOME!
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