As you know, I have a passion for cooking. It gives me a chance to express my creativity and to try out different flavor combinations. It's just something that makes me feel so good, especially when I get to wear my cute apron!
I've had my share of baking flops, like the time I charred my snickerdoodles to death and when I made these Brownies the other day... Who would have thought you could ruin a box brownie recipe?! Only me...ok so what happened was I wanted to make my friend Trevor brownies for his birthday, so I grabbed the betty crocker brownie mix and started throwing in all of the ingredients. it wasn't until later on that I realized that I didn't have any Vegi oil. -ok yeah, I COULD have borrowed some from my roommates, but I was lazy and feeling adventureous- So instead I substituted it with apple sauce- no trans fats, and i had it in my pantry.
Then it occured to me that I could throw in some peanut butter into the batter and I could make some delicious peanut butter brownies!! So I grabbed my extra super crunchy peanut butter and threw it on in there. I poured it into the 13x9 and prepared to bask in the glory of my culinary genius.20 minutes came and went. I took out the brownies, which at this point closely resembled sponges mixed with (pardon my french) poop. I was a little upset about this, but in my last effort to save the brownies I threw on some hot fudge. Then they looked like poop and fudge. My gracious friends still ate them, though. they're troopers!
whoa- sorry this picture is so big...
What my brownies SHOULD'VE looked like
And now for the good stuff...
Today in cooking class we learned how to make crepes!!!! I love love love them, I don't care how bad they are for me because i'm convinced that in heaven, we will have crepes all the time. They're that good.

Anyways, I could eat them plain, but we spread some nutella on them and rolled them up and it was the BEST EVER!!!
I also learned how to flip eggs like a pro, which makes me pretty great. Please hold your applause. I'll sign autographs later.
Ok sorry this is all about food- you probably don't even care enough about it, but you will when I cook for you!!
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