This weekend was such a blast!
Ok, Friday not so much, but that's a whole other story. Let's just say that it wasn't my best day ever...Saturday started off by rising early and throwing on a swimsuit and some shorts and heading out for our stake activity of going floating along some river that's an hour away. The water was actually FREEZING COLD but once you got numb, it was so worth it. It was like a 2-hour long lazy river! (basically my dream...) within the first 20 minutes, though, both Whitney's and Ben's tubes popped! It was so funny, until I hit a very small rapid and fell off of my tube. It took me about 5 minutes to wiggle back onto it while almost loosing my sunglasses three times and with Brooke's gracious assistance! The sun finally came out in time for lunch, just in time for everyone there to get a crispy sunburn. I evened out the gross one on my back with a beautiful one on my chest, legs, and half of my face. My faith in sunscreen has diminished.
On the ride home, we stopped at this little hole-in-the-wall bait shop and got this DELICIOUS ice cream!!
After an hour long drive home, we went straight to Pita Pit to see some of our friends participate in a pita-eating contest! About 5 minutes before it started, no girls had entered, so my friend Sam and I decided to sign up, eat our favorite pitas and split the prize. We were super excited for this, until 2 other girls decided to enter about a minute before the girl's competition began. At that point, I wasn't about to lose after forking over 10 bucks to compete. So, I had to put my big girl pants on and channel my dad's competitive nature and stomach down as many pitas as possible.
For not being hungry to start with, I manage to pack down a good amount of food. There was really only one girl who was real competition, and in the last MINUTE of the competition, I managed to scarf down 1/4 of my third pita! My body barely held it in, but I held it in until the time was up... at which point the pita was no longer in my stomach. The rest of the day my diet consisted of tums and water. But I still won!! It wasn't exactly my proudest moment, but it makes me unique, right?

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