Well it's been awhile, but I'm going to do a little update on what I did over thanksgiving break. I actually have the worst memory ever but we'll see what I can remember.
- Play with Daniel - live the life of a hobo/gypsy, sleeping in a different apartment every night- went out to J-Dawgs with my friend Brent. If you haven't been there and happen to be in Provo, get your hiney over there now because it's SO GOOD!!! Trust me on this. I don't even like hot dogs.
- Went to the skating rink with Daniel and Jason, only we didn't even skate. We watched the people and made fun of them when they fell.
-Went to Daniel's ward talent show and experienced the GREATEST ice cream in the world. Graham canyon from the BYU creamery. Oh baby.
-Made Brittan's delicious enchiladas.
- Attempted to drive the Alpine loop with Maggie and Bush until we realized it was closed off. We resorted to a snowball fight where I managed to fall on my butt and get covered in snow.
- Had some yummy Costa Vida with Jayson Richards and somehow ended up off-roading in the hunt for Y-Mountain and then resorted to seeing the movie The Switch. It was terrible. But we had fun!
-Heard Maggie sing in church
-IHOP with Daniel and Trevor, then pranking Trevor's brother's car
- Slumber party at Alicia's with the Kentlands girls! It wouldn't be complete without no bakes, pizza, onesies, movies, and the what if game!

- Black Friday shopping with Terra and Zach
- Thanksgiving with the Lee family plus Daniel and Skyler! after the near death experience getting there...
- Seeing Harry Potter 7 for the second time. SO GREAT ILOVEIT
- Making Muzzie's Magic Gumbo

So now you have a basic idea of what I had been up to for the forever-long break like you were practically there!! haha Sorry this is a pretty boring post. Maybe I'll do a cool one soon...
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