Only twelve days left until I return home to the B-E-A-Utiful east coast!!! I honestly can not wait a minute longer. Don't get me wrong, I love the school and the people here, but it's just SO cold and, well, not Maryland!
I can't wait to get back there and see my friends and family- especially future baby Harding in Rachie's tummy!!!

So since I'm home until April because I'm off track, I've got to get a move on finding a job!! Last year, I was a nanny for one of the cutest families ever! Love you Martinis fam!!! So I've been thinking about what I would want to do, and catering was on the top of my list.
Especially because it's in a field I want to pursue. So if anyone has any connections, give me a call!! I would also love to be a babysitter/nanny again so mother's in need out there, I'm free!! And any other job openings for college students are welcomed!
Waitress maybe??

Waitress maybe??
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