We had a killer ward activity tonight!!
Living in a town like Rexburg doesn't really come with many perks, but we discovered one tonight!!
I've heard people talk about the Civil Defense Caves before, but I had never been. So for out ward activity, we drove out there and played hide and go seek INSIDE the cave!! And it was a cave that even Bear Grylls would love. I felt like I was on (wo)Man vs. Wild! It was really dark and cold down there- and even icy in some spots!
Once we got to a dry place with tons of rocks, we cracked open a bunch of glow sticks and splattered them EVERYWHERE. All over us and the rocks and the roof of the cave so we could sort of see what we were doing without flashlights. The whole cave just looked like a starry night.
We finally made it out of the caves a little colder and dirtier than when we had entered. We made a bonfire and roasted S'Mores (With Recee's!!) and starbursts (gross.). It was a great night!!
***sorry if these are a little grainy and blurry. Cell phone cameras can only do so much***
OK maybe it's just me... but does the entrance to this cave look kind of like a bat??
The walls of the cave were pretty sharp and icy- they weren't this white though, that's just from my flashlight.
Dillon and Brittan got glowstick all over their hands- it looked so sweet!
Are You Afraid of the Dark??
After Brooke and I conquered the cave
The excellent bonfire at the end
Living in a town like Rexburg doesn't really come with many perks, but we discovered one tonight!!
I've heard people talk about the Civil Defense Caves before, but I had never been. So for out ward activity, we drove out there and played hide and go seek INSIDE the cave!! And it was a cave that even Bear Grylls would love. I felt like I was on (wo)Man vs. Wild! It was really dark and cold down there- and even icy in some spots!
Once we got to a dry place with tons of rocks, we cracked open a bunch of glow sticks and splattered them EVERYWHERE. All over us and the rocks and the roof of the cave so we could sort of see what we were doing without flashlights. The whole cave just looked like a starry night.
We finally made it out of the caves a little colder and dirtier than when we had entered. We made a bonfire and roasted S'Mores (With Recee's!!) and starbursts (gross.). It was a great night!!
***sorry if these are a little grainy and blurry. Cell phone cameras can only do so much***

only you would look cute with a flashlight shining up your nose!!!
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