Yesterday I was able to finally scratch something off of my college bucket list! I made a deal with my home teachers that instead of giving us some religious lesson this month, they can take us shooting and they can count that as their home teaching.
best. deal. ever.
Since I first came out here and discovered that people actually have guns here and go shooting for fun, I immediately wanted to go. So Katie, Brooke and I went over to Beaver Dick park with our H.T. Chris and out friend Brandon. Brandon brought along some friends too- Kaitlin and Mariah (who are super cute and whom I owe credit to for these killer pictures)
It was such a blast!! I got to shoot a shotgun and a 22 and I have the bruises to prove it.
I only hit one clay pigeon thing, the remnants of which are sitting on my desk along with a shotgun shell as souvenirs (I'm a pack rat. It happens)
I obviously got sunburnt all down my legs... but just on half my face. I guess I was unintentionally going for the Dr. Jekyll/ Mr. Hyde look.
After shooting, me Brooke and Felicia hit up Kiwi Loco and Brandon had his football semi-finals along with our friends KC and Jeff, which they WON!!
Then we made out way over to the movie theatre for the midnight premiere of Transformers 3 in 3D- which was... ok. Too long with a weird plot in my opinion. But the special effects were killer!!
We got home around 315 AM and I passed out and got up in time for class at 9! What a day.
I was reppin' the good ol' US of A so I could achieve the perfect American stereotype

Katie hit one on her first shot!
Brandon was pretty good I guess...
Mariah saved a turtle that was a little lost... in the middle of the road.

Chris is awesome- I'm so glad he took us!
I could totally see Brooke being a lead in some action movie.
We had some free time to do some glamor shots

Ok so Chris made a little wager with us on the way there. If any of us (me Katie Brooke) shoot one pigeon in fewer shots than it took him to hit two, he would buy us milkshakes. If not, we had to buy him one. I think he missed twice the whole time... so we decided it was a tie.
"I think I do better in the kitchen than in the shooting range"

My friends are cute
Brandon made a pretty good pigeon launcher I guess

We had a blast!!
I was a little excited about it

Chris made a pretty good teacher! Everyone hit at least one- including the blondes- Me and Kaitlin
golf clap?

Brandon likes to pick flowers

I think we could pull off the redneck lifestyle quite well

We were given the ugliest 3D glasses for the movie which by the way allowed you zero peripheral vision and came off when you turned your head.
best. deal. ever.
Since I first came out here and discovered that people actually have guns here and go shooting for fun, I immediately wanted to go. So Katie, Brooke and I went over to Beaver Dick park with our H.T. Chris and out friend Brandon. Brandon brought along some friends too- Kaitlin and Mariah (who are super cute and whom I owe credit to for these killer pictures)
It was such a blast!! I got to shoot a shotgun and a 22 and I have the bruises to prove it.
I only hit one clay pigeon thing, the remnants of which are sitting on my desk along with a shotgun shell as souvenirs (I'm a pack rat. It happens)
I obviously got sunburnt all down my legs... but just on half my face. I guess I was unintentionally going for the Dr. Jekyll/ Mr. Hyde look.
After shooting, me Brooke and Felicia hit up Kiwi Loco and Brandon had his football semi-finals along with our friends KC and Jeff, which they WON!!
Then we made out way over to the movie theatre for the midnight premiere of Transformers 3 in 3D- which was... ok. Too long with a weird plot in my opinion. But the special effects were killer!!
We got home around 315 AM and I passed out and got up in time for class at 9! What a day.
I was reppin' the good ol' US of A so I could achieve the perfect American stereotype

Katie hit one on her first shot!

Brandon likes to pick flowers

I think we could pull off the redneck lifestyle quite well


that blue shirt boy is hot. haha get on that asap. cute pics jules
hahaha Sorry to let you down but he's taken
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