Wow. This has been the most exciting/entertaining weekend I've had all semester! It was great!! I went to bed a little early on Friday night- (and by early I mean like 1AM) so I could wake up bright and early to head on over to Mesa Falls. We got a huge group together with the intent of going camping and being back home in time for church. We got to the campsite, pitched our tents, roasted some weenies, moved everything to a better campsite (which included putting a 4-man tent on top of Chris' car and holding onto it for dear life to make sure it didn't fall off while we drove to camp site 2.0), went down to the river where our feet went totally numb while climbing up a mini waterfall, photoshoot, back to camp for snacks and dinner. Well, unbeknownst to us, we had picked a campsite infested with some insane super-mosquito nesting ground. Those babies were EVERYWHERE and also happened to be impervious to bug spray. You couldn't walk 2 steps without being eaten alive by at least 3 of them at a time. They even bit me through my strechy pants! Is that even possible?? We finally gave up hope after a few hours and headed back to rexburg. Little did we know, the next day we wouldn't be able to find a spot on our bodies that wasn't covered in bites! It was miserable, especially when you don't have any calamine lotion on a Sunday. I used the strangest techniques to stop the itching such as: putting an x on the bite with my fingernail, using deodorant, alcohol wipes, and last and also strangest, I got scalding hot water, dipped a rag in it and held it on the bites for a couple seconds. I thought I was going to die, but it worked! Was it worth it? I'm not sure...
Most of the group at the Warm River- there were fish in there bigger than your forearm!
The girls

Totem Pole!
For the 4th, a big group of us went out to Rigby to my friend Andrew's house. His parents served us an AMAZING breakfast and we headed out to the river. Everyone went off the rope swing... except me because every time I do it, I belly flop, and after my delicious breakfast I decided to do everyone a favor and not go so they didn't have to see it come back up. We hung around the dock and watched a dead raccoon float on by. We then got changed, ate some pizza and headed to Idaho Falls for the fireworks. It was such a blast!!

This is what it would look ike if I were to lay next to Brooke
Air Jesse
I adore this picture. Chris and Andrew refused to smile so Breanne came in to rescue the picture. Chris' face makes it though.
I love this dog!!
Chris was showing everyone up on the rope swing

Patriotic nails!!
The one picture that exists of Brooke and Bryce
The cute fiancees
I finally got in a picture or two...

I love fireworks!!!

For the 4th, a big group of us went out to Rigby to my friend Andrew's house. His parents served us an AMAZING breakfast and we headed out to the river. Everyone went off the rope swing... except me because every time I do it, I belly flop, and after my delicious breakfast I decided to do everyone a favor and not go so they didn't have to see it come back up. We hung around the dock and watched a dead raccoon float on by. We then got changed, ate some pizza and headed to Idaho Falls for the fireworks. It was such a blast!!
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