Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I can do cool things

I still need a little more practice with the braid... not to mention the fact that I'm in desperate need of hi-lights- but I'm pretty proud of myself!
It may not be summer yet, but I needed to add a little color since it rained all day long yesterday

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cheap Junk

Yesterday it rained. A LOT. And being in Rexburg, the wind is always a blowin'. I couldn't find my nice umbrella, so I had to resort to my Wal-Mart purchase from last spring.
WORST. IDEA. EVER.top right section is a busted piece a metal, which put a hole in the umbrella. All of the other pieces are bent and twisted up and the wonky looking one on the upper left is also broken.

It broke. In 2 places. And flipped out about 20 times. AND basically slouched all floppy and gross so I literally couldn't see a thing. It was AWESOME

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Well sort of... but not really. My almost FHE brother Andrew is quite the graffiti artist so I got bored at his house yesterday and requested a temporary tattoo. This is what I got:
I think it says something like "Breka"- It's some name he came up with. I didn't ask why, I just thought it was cool

Friday, May 20, 2011

Special Delivery!!

My mamma sent me ribbon!!! Aint she the greatest?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fun Fun Fun

So I know I've been a terrible blogger lately... blah blah sorry about that. I've just been waiting for something interesting to blog about and I've finally come up with some good stuff that includes pictures!!

Before I came out to school, I was basically dreading it. I didn't want to go to Idaho, I didn't want to get back into doing homework, I didn't want to have to pay for my groceries, and I REALLY didn't want to pack. Well I've been out here for about a month now and I'm so glad I came back!!!
Sure, classes are pretty tedious but I LOVE my culinary nutrition class- the food is so stinkin good!
I've been spending a ton of time with all my friends and my new boyfriend is the school gym. Oh, and did I mention that I'm going to Greece and Turkey on a study abroad this fall!?!?!? I'm SUPER excited. I've got a deal going with my parents that if I lose between 15-20 lbs this semester, they'll pay for half of the trip, which explains why I've been at the gym so much. So let's put in a couple of fun pictures that have absolutely no rhyme or reason to them.

Holly and Katie While we were waiting on the men to build a fire
We had a fun little photo shoot in St. AnthonyHobo Dinners!! (ok they look gross but they were pretty tasty!)
I love me some Carolina Girls!
Jacob the "fire-man"
The water was SUPER high that night, not to mention rainy, but we made due and had a blast!

****Never Say Never Party!!! A bunch of us had never seen it- and let me tell you, I now have some severe Bieber Fever.How can you not love a face like that?This is Danika, my new roommate. She's the coolest girl ever and I love her so much!!!Our little viewing group- please ignore the nasty hair in EVERY SINGLE ONE of these pictures.Kiwi Loco had a huge grand opening so Holly, Brittan, and I went and took advantage of that delicious FroYo. I have a feeling that they will know me by name by the end of the semester. Yum Yum!!We got some Cookie Monsters from Craigo's for Rachel's birthday- they were pretty dang good! ...but not as good as Kiwi Loco, but I'm a little biased.