well ok don't be mad because I haven't posted all weekend...
in my defense I was far too busy having a blast in Provo!! (thanks Daniel and Maggie!!)
So now I have to make up for those 3 days missed...
day 10- songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad
As all of my friends know, I have the weirdest mix of music on my ipod. Ranging from Les Miz to Feelin' Myself by Dolla' (great song by the way). If i had to write down all the music I listen to when I'm happy, sad, bored, hyped whatever it would take up the whole page and would be super bring. I will say at the moment I've become really into the chill music like Coldplay, the Fray, Regina Spektor, and Joshua Radin. It's feel good music.
day 11- another picture of you and your friends
day 12- how you found out about blogger and why you have one
I found out about blogger from the b-e-a-utiful Kristi Brooke Buchanan Cutler. She Had one when I was a Laurel and it sort of inspired me to get one. Of course it took me a little bit longer to get the hang of it and to keep up on posts. :)
So now I have to make up for those 3 days missed...
day 10- songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad

day 11- another picture of you and your friends

I found out about blogger from the b-e-a-utiful Kristi Brooke Buchanan Cutler. She Had one when I was a Laurel and it sort of inspired me to get one. Of course it took me a little bit longer to get the hang of it and to keep up on posts. :)
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