day 20- someone you love
If I put up a picture for every person I loved in this post, actually it would just be a picture of me.
Ok so i'm just going to mention one very special person in my life... OK scratch that. I meant two because I can't decide.
Person number one is my grandma Barbara Laumann AKA Muzzie. Muzzie is a very influential person in my life. I honestly wouldn't be the same person if it weren't for her. Muzzie is the sweetest woman in the world and doesn't have a mean bone in her body.
She is a miracle woman who survived Multiple Sclerosis and a potentially life-threatening car crash. She was the woman who kept my mom active in the church when she was young and was willing to join the church, despite what others were telling her. She has one of the strongest testimonies and is a living example of the power of the priesthood. She is always happy and is willing to laugh at herself. She lives her life focused on service and is always doing things for others.
She and Pawpa got me hooked on cooking when I was young by teaching me to make deviled eggs and always encouraging me to bake something delicious and let my creative juices flow!! She has nothing but good things to say of others and gives great hugs!!
She may be clumsy, but she is one of the best women in the world.
Then there's my Dad. He's the greatest man in the world. I know everyone says their dad is the best, but that's only because they haven't met mine yet. Everyone likes him, he's a really hard worker, he has the best laugh (which I have taken after- thanks for that.), he always puts his family first, and he has a great sense of humor. In fact, I think I take after my dad in the sense of humor department and I love it, because at least he laughs at my jokes!
I love going on rides with him and I can't forget the weekly trips to Chipotle and CaliYogurt. I miss those! But I'm only weeks away from coming home. He isn't the kind of guy who wears his emotions on his sleeve. He's something like a pineapple; hard on the outside but soft and sweet on the inside.
He is the best dad a girl can ask for, even though he may scare some guys away at first! He's an amazing guy and I'm so proud to call him my dad! I can't wait to fly home and see him come December. 
If I put up a picture for every person I loved in this post, actually it would just be a picture of me.
Ok so i'm just going to mention one very special person in my life... OK scratch that. I meant two because I can't decide.
Person number one is my grandma Barbara Laumann AKA Muzzie. Muzzie is a very influential person in my life. I honestly wouldn't be the same person if it weren't for her. Muzzie is the sweetest woman in the world and doesn't have a mean bone in her body.

Then there's my Dad. He's the greatest man in the world. I know everyone says their dad is the best, but that's only because they haven't met mine yet. Everyone likes him, he's a really hard worker, he has the best laugh (which I have taken after- thanks for that.), he always puts his family first, and he has a great sense of humor. In fact, I think I take after my dad in the sense of humor department and I love it, because at least he laughs at my jokes!

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