I'm the lamest blogger ever. I miss so many of these day things so I have to do like 4 in one post. Get ready.
day 16- another picture of yourself
day 17- someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
For one day, I would love to switch lives with Paula Deen. She's got the best teeth!! All she does is cook all day long, and I absolutely love her kitchen (come on, it comes complete with a deep fryer) and I would love to cook like her!!
day 18- plans/dreams/goals you have
I plan to finish college and get married.
I dream to one day open a bakery.
I dream to live down south with my family of 5 and our bulldog in our yellow house with blue shutters and a white wrap-around porch and a big yard.
I also love the look of these beautiful plantation homes in Savannah, GA
I have a goal to work in a restaurant and to read the entire Book of Mormon in the near future.
day 19- nicknames you have and why you have them
I really don't have too many cool nicknames. I guess most of my high school friends weren't too creative since I was sometimes called "mormon". Way to be original guys.
Julie Bug- This is my family nickname. I got this one because when I was young, I LOVED to cuddle. I'd get all scrunched up and cuddle with my mom, dad, grandparents, basically anyone. So I was a cuddle bug which basically evolved into Julie Bug/Buggie.
Jules- Not too hard to figure that out on your own
Blondie- This one is only from Bryce. He doesn't like to call people by their real names to there ya go.

For one day, I would love to switch lives with Paula Deen. She's got the best teeth!! All she does is cook all day long, and I absolutely love her kitchen (come on, it comes complete with a deep fryer) and I would love to cook like her!!
I plan to finish college and get married.
I dream to one day open a bakery.
I dream to live down south with my family of 5 and our bulldog in our yellow house with blue shutters and a white wrap-around porch and a big yard.
I have a goal to work in a restaurant and to read the entire Book of Mormon in the near future.
day 19- nicknames you have and why you have them
I really don't have too many cool nicknames. I guess most of my high school friends weren't too creative since I was sometimes called "mormon". Way to be original guys.
Julie Bug- This is my family nickname. I got this one because when I was young, I LOVED to cuddle. I'd get all scrunched up and cuddle with my mom, dad, grandparents, basically anyone. So I was a cuddle bug which basically evolved into Julie Bug/Buggie.
Jules- Not too hard to figure that out on your own
Blondie- This one is only from Bryce. He doesn't like to call people by their real names to there ya go.
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